Launch ‘Vakkanjers’ eduction challenge with school children

Launch ‘Vakkanjers’ eduction challenge with school children

2 October 2024, 09:30 - 12:30

Locatie: Space Expo Noordwijk

The Vakkanjers curriculum will celebrate its 25th anniversary next school year with a spectacular anniversary edition themed “Space Mission Earth: A View of the Future”.

In collaboration with the Association of Space Explorers (ASE) and astronaut André Kuipers, students will take on the challenge of coming up with ideas on how to make life on our planet better, more beautiful and healthier from space.

During the XXXV Planetary Congress of the Association of Space Explorers, the anniversary edition of Vakkanjers will be launched by André Kuipers at Space Expo in Noordwijk.

25 years of Vakkanjers

Vakkanjers was created as an initiative by technical sectors to interest more young people in technology. Fun, wonder and challenge are paramount. Thanks to Vakkanjers, thousands of students have already come into contact with the world of technology and innovation in a playful way early in their school career.

Space mission Earth: a look into the future

André Kuipers will be ambassador of Vakkanjers for the coming school year. He saw the vulnerability of our planet from space. Space travel plays a fundamental role in understanding and protecting our planet. With insights from space, we can ensure that the earth is preserved. The earth needs the youth. Kuipers therefore challenges all young people to come up with ideas on how we can improve our planet with technology from space.

This year, the Vakkanjer challenges vary from building a satellite to designing a research vehicle on earth, or a combination of a human and machine that can be used for a more sustainable and social planet.