Astronaut conference in the Netherlands this year: Space travel is for everyone, by everyone

Astronaut conference in the Netherlands this year: Space travel is for everyone, by everyone

press release
24 July 2024 - Esther Sloots
In conversation with Helen Kuipers
About seventy astronauts from all over the world are coming to the Netherlands this year for the largest international astronaut conference of the year. It is a unique event: never before have so many astronauts come to the Netherlands at the same time to talk about the future of space travel. The conference is organized by host André Kuipers and his wife Helen.

The theme: Generation Space: Shaping the Future together. Why this theme?

Space travel concerns us all. We cannot live a day without it. Many people do not realize it, but without space travel energy networks would fail, emergency services would no longer be able to find the scene of the disaster and financial markets would collapse. The importance of space travel is increasing, but in which direction is it going and what do you use it for? Thanks to space travel, we have a huge amount of information about the health of our planet, from air pollution to the melting of ice caps. Measuring is knowing and satellite data can help us make the right choices. That is something that concerns the younger generation. It is about their future.

Can you already reveal something about the program?

The conference will last a whole week and will be packed with activities on both a technical and cultural level. The role of the Netherlands as a space nation will be highlighted. Astronauts will update each other and the public on recent space missions and the plans of their space agencies. Experts from various universities have been invited to speak on topics such as space law, space farming and extreme architecture, something that the astronauts themselves often know less about. A number of commercial space companies from abroad will be represented. In short, it is a cross-pollination between astronauts, experts, companies and institutes. All sessions will be streamed live so that everyone can follow them.

Is it only accessible to astronauts? Or are you also welcome if you have not made an orbit around the earth? 

The congress is organised by and for astronauts who are members of the Association of Space Explorers. This is the ‘club of astronauts’ that was set up on the initiative of several American, Russian and European astronauts during the Cold War. These astronauts reached out to each other to show that space travel connects. Astronauts can become members if they have flown at least one orbit around the earth, and they join in a personal capacity. But the congress is not just for astronauts, because the cross-pollination that I mentioned is very important and everyone who finds it interesting can watch via the livestream. The press is also invited to report on everything that happens.

Is space travel only for very smart people?

Space travel is for everyone, by everyone. When I had to interview André for National Geographic 25 years ago, I had to prepare myself well. I really knew nothing about space travel! A whole new world opened up for me. In order to achieve something in space travel, an incredible number of people work together. At all levels and in many different countries. That is fascinating and wonderful to see. Whether you are an engineer or a scientist, do administrative work or work in security… There are so many different people needed in this sector. Astronauts in space are the hands and eyes of scientists on earth. Space travel is teamwork par excellence.

What are you looking forward to most?

The astronauts are a kind of family. People who have been in space share something special with each other. There is a kind of camaraderie that is tangible, but difficult to explain. I share that feeling with partners of astronauts. We don’t have to explain anything to each other. I am really looking forward to receiving André’s colleagues and their companions in our country. They are coming as ambassadors of space travel, and I secretly hope that they will leave as ambassadors of our beautiful country.
View the conference programme here and follow the various components via the livestream.