Seventy astronauts from all over the world visit the Netherlands

Seventy astronauts from all over the world visit the Netherlands

21 August 2024 - Esther Sloots
At the end of September and the beginning of October, the Netherlands will be completely focused on space travel. Seventy astronauts from all over the world will visit our country as part of a major international astronaut conference that will take place in the Netherlands again, after forty years. Our own astronaut André Kuipers is the host and has put together a unique program.
Kuipers: ‘I want to put the Netherlands on the map as a space country. Our country is full of innovation, talented young people and experience. It is important that not only astronauts but all Dutch people see this.

The Netherlands, a space country

Dozens of astronauts from all over the world will come to the Netherlands to talk to each other about their profession and to get to know the Netherlands as a space country. Kuipers: ‘I am incredibly proud that so many fellow astronauts are coming to our country. This is a unique opportunity to show who we are and what we do. We will discuss groundbreaking moon rovers, agriculture in space and space law, all topics in which the Netherlands excels.’

Youth is the future

With the theme ‘Shaping the future together’, Kuipers has chosen to focus on youth. For example, the final of NL MOONSHOTS ‘24 will take place during the conference week, a program in which students have come up with innovative ideas together with astronauts. The Vakkanjers program, a unique curriculum on space travel, will also be launched, especially for children aged ten to sixteen.
Kuipers: ‘Youth is our future, especially when it comes to space travel. Every year, we launch thousands of satellites into the sky that help us with everything we do, for example in safety and climate domains. To ensure that this goes well, we need a great many people, from thinkers and doers to daredevils.’

Community Day

Community Day will take place in the middle of the conference week. A special day during which the astronauts travel the country to visit schools, museums and companies, gain inspiration and share knowledge. Kuipers: ‘I think this day is perhaps the most important. Only by sharing knowledge and experience can we advance things. On this day, new connections are made, ideas are gained and I firmly believe that this will not only advance space travel but also our country.’